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Improved Sales Through Engagement Selling

Make the most of your product, presentation, advertising, and more using Engagement Selling techniques taught by MFH Technologies, LLC, in Milford, Connecticut. Michael is a world skilled sales professional. He possesses extensive experience business development, branding and content writing idealized for digital platforms.  

Continuous improvement is a vital characteristic of successful organizations. Selling is arguably the most critical part of increasing a companies revenues. Combine these two and it akes sense to change the status quo how business is done. MFH Technologies can demonstrate how simple changes in routine selling process can lead to increased volume and recognition as a leader in the market being served.

Engagement Selling is based on five fundamentals:

  1. 1. Listen first
  2. 2. Be prepared
    3. Don't misrepresent
    4. Never miss a deadline
    5. Always respond

Let MFH Technologies demonstrate with real life examples of successes when these principles are followed and failures when they are not.

Fees start at $1000/day or part thereof + expenses

Business Content  & Technical Writing

Count on"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else"   --Albert Einstein Michael for editing, content, and technical writing including: newsletters, white papers, company presentations, manuals, and blogs. He focuses on business writing and technical services, with rates that vary based on each project. His background is in engineering, business, and sales, with global experience. He has worked in a wide range of industries, covering countless different projects over a quarter century. The services are tailored for smaller businesses without the ability or resource to write and portray information in a positive way for their market. 

Published Author

Michael's sales consulting focuses on business-to-business sales, and it related to technical sales for projects and capital equipment. This is also the focus of his book, ["Preparation Breeds Success"] (http://www.amazon.com/Preparation-Breeds-Success-Customized-Engineered/dp/1480807737/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1436627404&sr=8-1&keywords=Preparation+Breeds+Success), which you can pick up on Amazon(tm).
Michael's sales consulting focuses on business-to-business sales, and it related to technical sales for projects and capital equipment. This is also the focus of his book, Preparation Breeds Success, Published by Archway Publishing, a Division of Simon and Schuster, is available on Amazon and other outlets.
Sales Consulting

Professional Photography

A lifetime passion means crafting a good photograph is more than a fancy camera and an eye-appealing object or scene. Put a twist on standard product photos, corporate images even employee headshots for a classic look with a fresh twist.